Monday, January 21, 2019

Hey guys!

UMM... I dont have anything to write about rn but plz subscribe to SUMAY Akinyeye on youtube! ANd plz follow her on google plus!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I don't kno what to call this post so whatev

The Once-In-A-While-News 

Hey Guys!
Today was a pretty cool day. I went to school and (THANK GOD) we had a half day. It was a decent day. I came home, did some homework, then I went to a coffee shop with my sister called Cafe Promenade. I got a Java Chip coffee. The Java Chip is basically a chocolate chip coffee or something. It was SO good! I brought my laptop and backpack there and did work I needed to do. My sister also brought her bag and laptop. I'm actually at the cafe right now. My sister brought Air Pods so I am listening to music right now. This is really fun! I completed a whole project for homework here!

Catch you later!
BTW, plz follow me on Google Plus!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

All About Me (Updated Version)

Hi my name is Aiden and i'm not new to blogs
this will be my 23rd post and it will be all about me!
name: Aiden muhammad
age: 10
favorite color: pink
favorite hobby: reading and doing my Barron's Algebra workbook
favorite subject: math
favorite food: Panda Express Orange Chicken
favorite game: Fortnite
family:me,Irene,Ian,my dad Riyaz and my mom Shaheena
This is a picture of me and my dad.
Bye! I'll post sometime later!

I'm in 5th Grade!

The Not-So Daily News

Hey Guys!

I know that this is literally how I start so many of my blog posts, but I am really, really sorry that I have not posted for 1 straight year. I have been really busy doing work and playing Fortnite (sorry :I). Now I am in 5th grade! It is great! I got Mrs. Richards and she was really cool. Sadly, one day she didn't show up to school and Mrs. Baker came in and told us that she was not going to be our teacher anymore. Many rumors started to spread, and people thought that she got fired. Mrs. Richards emailed all parents that for personal reasons, she was leaving the school. I was so sad, and then I got Chic- Fil- A and I felt a bit better. But she was a good teacher. This is the letter I wrote to her, along with many gifts. Try not to cringe.

Dear Mrs. Richards
I hope you are doing well! I just want to thank you for teaching me and my fellow classmates, and for your dedication. You have really taught me a lot in all fields of learning. Your sacrifices that you have made of your time and money have not gone unnoticed. You have really have made a positive difference in my life by always pushing me to try my best and  to keep persevering through difficulties in life.
I will never forget the way you said that you believed in me and how you said that you would always be by my side. I still find myself applying vital skills that you have taught me into my everyday life. After meeting you this year, I found many skills that I didn’t know that I was good at and have been building up upon those skills. I feel that those skills that you awakened in me are going to be very important for my success in life.
So, for all that you have done, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for holding high expectations of me, for being knowledgeable in all fields,  for urging me to think outside of the box, for being the go-to person to talk to and consult my problems to, for being lenient and fun, and for being my teacher. I will really miss you, and best wishes.
Love, Aiden
P.S- Notice that the wrapping paper of the gift bag is purple! (:
Did you like it? I'm not going to ask if you cringed, because even I did. Anyways, we are getting a new teacher named Mrs. Hawkins. We met her briefly the other day, and she seemed nice. 
By the way, I am starting to enter a few writing contests with prizes or just publishing. I never noticed how fun writing really is. This is my blurb/ idea for my new writing, which is a dystopian fantasy. I hope you like it, and if you have any feedback, please comment on this post.

A Globus Lockup prison break has destroyed the world as we know it.
The year is 2076. London is a devastated place ruled by teenage tyrants. Once glorious, Big Ben is now vandalized.
Daring , 11-yr old Toby Trescott is humanity's only hope. Toby finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organization called Escalation Alliance.
The fight is jeopardized when Toby is tricked by Ruthless, President Sebastian Saito, and injures his arm.
Armed with spies and their wits, Escalation Alliance try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat ruthless teenage tyrants and restore Big Ben to its former glory?

I worked all morning on that and even have a small beginning of the story but I will share the complete story with you once I am done with it. I really don't actually care about winning the competition that much because writing the story seems fun.

I am also writing this other story about a Muslim girl named Sara but I don't think I will put it into a competition. I hope you like it, and if you have any feedback, please comment on this post.

As I step out of the car, I hear my mother wish me good luck for my first day of middle school. I instinctively reach up for my hijab, though I only find my soft, silky hair neatly separated into two braids. As I close the door and nervously walk towards the polished marble front steps of my new school.
Relax, I think,  It’s everybody’s first day. Also, a new school means a new reputation. This time, everybody doesn’t  have to know I’m Muslim. In 5th grade, wearing a hijab to school meant a lot of things. It meant that at recess, everyone would target me in four square. And the whispers. The whispers never ended. In 4th grade, Alessia Ashton spread a rumor that my father was actually the one behind 9/11. Any time I walked down the hallways, I got dirty looks, while kids talked in hushed voices, awkwardly glancing at me. But now that I wasn’t wearing my hijab to school, nobody would know that I was a Muslim.
I walked over to my new locker, finding that my locker mate was already there, unpacking her belongings. “Hi, I’m Sara! What’s your name?”, I say. “My name’s Aditi.”, she replies nervously, with her strong Indian accent. We remain quiet for 5 solid, awkward seconds, both of us searching for a way to start a conversation. “Do you have History for homeroom as well?”, I finally ask. “Yeah, I do!”, she exclaims.
 I do need a second eye on this, so again, please comment feedback for me.

 Bye, and I'll DEFINITELY post later!


Friday, October 6, 2017

If you are reading this, recite the following pledge aloud

The Daily Food 

I pledge allegiance to the Lays, and to always eat Doritos. 
And to the Barbecue, and cool ranch, one chicken, under cod(as in codfish), individual, with Jif and Mayo for all.

Honor the bacon clan, I pledge allegiance to the plate, with some crumbs, and enough food for all. And now for a moment of digestion...

        Pretty cool, huh? And I have a bunch of members in my clan and I am followed by every recess! People from my clan always chant with me at lunch, at, recess and everywhere. All of the teachers know about it.



Monday, August 21, 2017

Back from school

The Daily News
Hey guys! Back from school, first day, it was great! Sorry I couldn't post much in the morning, but that was because I was getting ready for school.

 Today was solar eclipse! It looked SOO COOL!
Only problem was, The WHOLE GRADE EXCEPT FOR US WAS ALLOWED TO SEE IT. Seriously, it made no sense and wasn't fair! And now I'm home, it ENDED!

 Still, it was a great first day. But now I think about it, I can't remember anything I did for some reason... 

In the morning, I had egg. Bleugh. And Idly and chutney. Double bleugh. 


First day of school!

Hey guys!

Big day, huh? Today I will start fourth grade! I can only write a little. I got Mrs. Thierry's class! I've heard that she's good. Bye!